
Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Simpler Apprenticeships 2010

During 2010 I shall be offering apprenticeships to those who wish to develop their knowledge and skills of kitchen herbwifery.

Apprentices will be asked to commit to:-

Choosing between 10-20 herbs to study in greater depth

Attending at least six workshops during the year and taking responsibility for some of their chosen herbs

Keeping a detailed diary of their herbal journey including studies of their chosen herbs, associated studies of human physiology and notes of all herbal products made and taken.

Discussing herbal experiences via an email discussion group

Anyone who is interested in an apprenticeship should contact me before December 14th saying what their best hopes would be for the twelve months of their apprenticeship.

Unfortunately, because the essence of these apprenticeships is local and practical, they can only be offered to people living within the UK who are prepared to travel to the Cotswolds and/or Solihull. It is not possible to offer apprenticeships outside the UK. However, if someone abroad wishes a herbal mentor and can tell me how they think we could work well together, I'm willing to consider it.


  1. Interested, but would the workshops be at the weekends or during the week? For those of us who go to work, it could be difficult to come during the week?
    Blessings, Star

  2. Hi Star
    The workshops are always on Saturdays, 11-3 at the farm and 10-2 in my kitchen over the 4 winter months. I work full time too, so can only go down at weekends. I live an hour away from the Sanctuary.

  3. I've been enjoying reading through some of your postings and they have me wishing I was close enough to take part in your apprenticeship.

  4. Hi Supermom, I'm sorry you're not closer as well. Having looked at your blogs I suspect we have a lot in common. Have you read my writing blog, Mercian Muse?

  5. I would love to do this, but this year is just too hectic for me to take on any further commitments, maybe next year.


  6. Hi Sarah
    I would love to have a mentor but live in the states and can't travel much this coming year. If you are seriously open to being a mentor, I will think of how this could work. I know that many herbalists do correspondence but not sure how exactly and I'm not sure of what kind of results they get either.

  7. Hi Linda
    Both Susun Weed and Kiva Rose offer correspondance courses. Both are based in the US and I hear good reports from both of them. With a mentorship I was thinking more of a "guiding hand" approach rather than providng people with loads of information and set exercises. e.g. if you came to me and said, "I have these herbs, a,b, and c and I'd really like to make x with them." I might say,"I've made x with a and b which was really helpful for this condition but c doesn't grow in my area. You might want to look at this herbalist's site and read up about what she did with it and how it's worked for her. It also might be helpful if you look at this website which shows how this bit of the body works so you can understand how a and b reacts to help support your body during this condition."

    Does this sound like the kind of thing you were thinking of?

  8. Hi Sarah
    Actually, yes. I have alot of actual information but have not put that information to use in many cases. I studied on and off using Michael Tierra's (correspondence) materials, but his approach is extremely complex. Melds East with West and the East aspect trips me up. I was thinking that if somebody out there could bring me into the kitchen, more along the western tradition (I'll figure out the Eastern aspect later on) more than to books and theory, I'd be very happy! What do you think? Also, for me, unless I get dried herbs, nothing substantial can happen until Spring when I start growing some again. I certainly would be interested in hearing more of what you have in mind.

  9. Hi Linda, how about thinking about spices over the winter time - they are still herbs and exceptionally useful over the cold months. I've posted before about Rebecca Hartman's flax seed tea with cinnamon and orange peel - it's both nourishing, comforting and warming and kind of wraps you up in a hug while you drink it. Winter is a really good time to think about turmeric and other curry spices to use in savoury dishes as well. Do you have access to hawthorn, sloes, rosehips? Lots of cordials to experiment with which the kids should like.

  10. Hi Sarah
    Great idea about the spices! I didn't think of that! No hawthorn or sloes around here but I can get rosehips. Infact I think I can get anything at all online and there is a great herb shop not far from here that may have at least hawthorne. Sloes seem to be something very foreign here. Thanks for the ideas!
    Turmeric is something I try to use as an anti inflammatory by keeping it in the diet in general but I haven't made anything with it as far as being medicinal strength. Do you have any ideas in that respect?
    I'm going to make the sage and thyme vinegar that you recently posted about as well. My sage is still going strong and may survive winter under a cold frame! Crossing my fingers.

  11. Hi again,
    I forgot to add, can you point me to the post about Rebecca Hartmans tea? It sounds marvelous!

  12. Linda, can you send me an email on and I'll send you a handout for warming teas etc which includes Rebecca's recipe.

  13. Hi Sarah
    Email on its way. Thanks!
