Maud Grieve says that
was a corruption of the Latin chamaedrys
came from the Greek words, chami meaning ground and drus meaning oak.
Gerard commented, 'The Germander from the form of the leaves like
unto small oak leaves, has the name chamaedrys given it, which
signifieth a dwarf oak'.
Germander speedwell is
the commonest British species of Speedwell found everywhere,
flowering in spring and early summer. I've certainly seen it growing
wild in Warwickshire, Gloucestershire, Devon and Cornwall over the
past month.
are fourteen other varieties of speedwell in the UK according to
Maud Grieve. The most well known is common speedwell, V.offinialis
but there are also Buxbaum's Speedwell ( V.
), V. Serpyllifolia (Thyme-leaved
Speedwell); the Marsh Speedwell (V. scutellata); the
Ivy-leaved Speedwell (V. hederifolia); the Procumbent
Speedwell (V. agrestis); and the Wall Speedwell (V.
Maud Grieve says
Speedwell is
“a plant of cultivation, springing up in gardens and fields never
far from human society and influence.” Although it is found
throughout England and Southern Scotland, it prefers southern climes
and she thinks it was probably introduced from elsewhere.
The Spiked Speedwell (V. spicata) is rare. The Rock Veronica (V. saxatilis), has few flowers and is found mainly in the highlands of Scotland. Three other extremely rare species are V. verna (Vernal Speedwell), V. alpina (Alpine Speedwell) and V. triphyllos (The Finger Speedwell).
germander and common speedwell were used in folk medicine. Studies of
plant uses in Scotland noted that common germander was one of the
plants used for general ailments as a tea. Maud Grieve says “Old
writers of all countries speak highly of the virtues of the Speedwell
as a vulnerary, a purifier of the blood, and a remedy in various skin
diseases, ... It was also believed to cure smallpox and measles, and
to be a panacea for many ills.”
recommended it for cancer, 'given in good broth of a hen,' and
advocated the use of the root as a specific against pestilential
1887, Lady Francesca Speranza wrote, “There
are seven herbs that nothing natural or supernatural can injure; they
are vervain, John's-wort, speedwell, eyebright, mallow, yarrow, and
self-help. But they must be pulled at noon on a bright day, near the
full of the moon, to have full
Grieve writes “Among the Welsh peasantry, great virtues are
attributed to the Speedwell. The plant has diaphoretic, alterative,
diuretic, expectorant and tonic properties, and was formerly employed
in pectoral and nephritic complaints, haemorrhages, diseases of the
skin and in the treatment of wounds.”
MatthewWood has also researched the use of common speedwell. His earliest
quote comes from Salmon writing in 1710, who says, “Speedwell is
commended by Crato as specifick in the colick” recommending that
speedwell be made into a clyster (enema) using a decoction of
speedwell with sugar as this was found to be more effective than any
other medicinal form.
writing two hundred years later, says that “It has long been held
famous amongst country folk as an excellent plant for coughs, asthma
and pulmonary consumption. The leaves are bitter with a rough
[astringent] taste and a decoction of the whole plant stimulates the
mention of kidney stimulation reminded me of a time when I was giving
healing to a colleague. I had no idea what condition he was suffering
from before the healing session apart from a back problem. After
settling him in a chair in the lounge, I went in search of some music
on CD and was drawn to some blue quartz crystals from my altar. I
rarely use crystals when healing, but something told me to use these
with my friend, so I placed them on a table close to him. When the
session was over, he told me his back problem had originated with
issues with his kidneys. When I checked what blue quartz was useful
for, it was for kidneys.
suppose if you consider that the main function of the kidneys is
fluid regulation within the body and water is associated with blue
when the sun shines, then speedwell's blue flowers could be seen as a
sign of their positive effect on the kidneys.
also talked about the infusion of speedwell promoting perspiration
and feverishness, while the juice could be boiled with honey to make
a syrup for asthma and catarrgh. He noted that an external
application of the infusion could cure “the itch” and that some
herbalists believed that drinking the tea every day could cure
Matthew Wood was researching speedwell, he found that its use had
almost completely dropped from modern Western herbal materia medica.
He did find two herbalists who had written about it, the American,
Ben Charles Harris in 1972 and Harald Tietze, an Australian herbalist
in 1996.
gathered it as a culinary substitute for watercress in salads. He
described its action as “solvent-eliminator” acting on stones,
toxins and mucous. He felt it was also useful in cases where throats
were irritated or for respiratory organs. He also used it to remove
hardened mucus in coughs, bronchitis and asthma.
had a completely different set of uses for speedwell. He used it for
skin conditions, saying “The fresh plant juice has proved itself
best for disorders of the skin.” He used the tincture rubbed into
skin for conditions of rheumatism and gout. He recommended that
“unlike other herbs which are taken in the morning, speedwell
should be taken in the evening to calm the nerves and give a peaceful
MariaTrebens, the Austrian Herbalist writing in 1984 recommends speedwell
for “nervousness caused by mental exhaustion” which made Lucinda
Warner wonder whether this was due to the presence of glycoside,
scutellarin, which is named after the herb, scullcap. Scullcap, both
the native and Virginian varieties, is an exceptionally useful
nervine for anyone experiencing the “screaming habdabs”.
such a beautiful flowering plant with such a wealth of historical
uses, it is sad speedwell has fallen out of favour with most modern
western herbalists. Lucinda Warner (who will be speaking at this
year's Springfield Sanctuary Festival in September) is the only
person I know of who has recently taken the time to experiment with
drinking a cup of speedwell tea Lucinda wrote, “The
first sip had an immediate mental clearing effect and I felt soothed
but not sedated, the effect being both relaxing and clarifying. I
became very aware of the area around my head and I felt my meditative
abilities heighten and my third eye and crown chakras open. My
breathing deepened and I felt both more grounded and more connected.
The key things that came through for me were mental clarity and sense
of peacefulness.”
subtle medicine from the plant working on both mind and body led
Lucinda to make a flower essence with her local speedwell,
V. filiformis or slender speedwell. After taking the remedy she
reported, “Both the colour of the flower and the signature of the
central white and gold eye, seem to confirm my original feeling that
this was a remedy which resonates with the third eye and crown
chakras. I’ve only been taking the remedy a few days now but my
initial feelings are that this is a flower to help us in seeing
deeply, being conscious and aware and deepening our meditation.”
This positive experience makes me want to know speedwell at a deeper level, something I plan to make time for in the near future.
This positive experience makes me want to know speedwell at a deeper level, something I plan to make time for in the near future.
What a fascinating post Sarah! I loved the quote about the 7 herbs that nothing can injure, many of my favourites are in that list. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for including my ramblings. I will bring you a bottle of the flower essence to test when I come in September if you would like. xx
Yes please, Lucinda. Glad you like the post:)
ReplyDeleteReally interesting post Sarah. It is amazing to read so much about Speedwell. I think it could have been well used recently with this nasty phlegm creating virus that has gone around. I love the idea of calming the 'screaming habdabs' we could all do with that at times!
ReplyDeleteIlene, I would check with your local herbal community to see if any have used it. You could also try some experiments with a hot tea and see what attributes you can find.
ReplyDeleteThank you! A brief Google search, there seems to not be so much info on net re, medicinal uses. I was gifted a few handfuls of seed this spring and am eager to experience Her presence. She's a beaut!