Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
is one of those herbs about which gardeners grumble. I remember my aunt
complaining that once you have it in the garden you will never get rid of it as
it self-seeds everywhere and can flourish in both shady and bright conditions.
People new to herbs really like it because it provides a delicious, easily
produced tea when other herbs might not seem so palatable.
At first it appears to be a delicate herb. You are advised
to freeze it because the shelf life is so short (around six months or longer if
you are growing and drying your own). This may seem frustrating for the dried
herb not to last longer until you realise that it lasts exactly the right
length of time until fresh leaves are available again.
In most conditions it is perennial and will grow wherever it
can. It has been with us in the UK since the ubiquitous Romans brought it to
flavour their meals and provide their medicines. The new leaf clusters appear
in January or early February depending on the weather. They grow to their most
profuse around May or June. Bees love the tiny pink flowers which appear on
long stalks over the summer hence the name ‘melissa’ but by the time the
flowers appear, you have missed the most potent harvest. If you do harvest the
leaves in May there will be a second harvest later in the year as the leaves
grow back.
The more you work with this plant, the greater respect you
have for it. The subtle lemon flavour of the tea appears less strong than the
aroma produced when you crush the leaves to release the volatile oil but is
nevertheless bright and appealing. You can extract it using any medium you
choose – honey, tincture, vinegar, elixir, liqueur and they will all taste delightful.
What you don’t realise is how strong the medicinal ability of plant really is.
General information
Those of you with a scientific bent will want to know what
the constituents of lemon balm are. It contains volatile oils (including
citronella, geraniol and linalool), polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids (including
isoquercetrin), rosmarinic acid and triterpenoids. Its actions include,
diaphoretic, carminative, nervine, antispasmodic, antihistamine, antimicrobial,
sedative, antiviral, partus praeparator, antioxidant and decongestant.
If we look at its uses for the various systems in the body,
the benefits can be described in the following way.
For digestion, lemon balm reduces pain and spasm. It soothes
stress-related problems and stimulates the liver and gall bladder.
For circulation it calms nervous palpitations and
arrhythmias and reduces hypertension.
For mental and emotional uses it is both sedative and
analgesic, reducing tension, anxiety and agitation. It has been found useful in
dementia and insomnia. It also relieves headaches, migraine, vertigo and
tinnitus. It elevates mood, improves memory and concentration so can be thought
of as a helpful herb for students of all ages, especially when faced with
stressful situations such as exams or interviews.
With the respiratory system, lemon balm is a relaxant,
antimicrobial and decongestant. It helps resolve colds, flu, catarrh, chest
infections, coughs and asthma.
With the immune system, lemon balm is a specific antivirus
against herpes simplex, mumps and possibly HIV. Its volatile oils are
antibacterial, antifungal and antihistamine; helpful in hayfever and allergic
rhinitis. Rosmarinic acid is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and influences
complement activity.
With the urinary system, lemon balm is antispasmodic and
With the reproductive system, lemon balm is helpful in
irregular and painful periods, PMS and menopausal depression. It eases and
speeds childbirth when taken prior to and during labour.
Externally, lemon balm can be used as an antiseptic wash for
cuts and wounds. Dilute oils of lemon balm can be used in massage for period
pains, neuralgia, joint and muscle pain and cold sores. Eardrops can be used
for infections.
After such a list of positive attributes, you must also be
aware that lemon balm does inhibit the thyroid and most herbalists will advise
anyone who suffers with an under-active thyroid not to use this herb. It can be
used in the management of hyperthyroidism where the thyroid is over-active.
So, what do I do with lemon balm?
I love to make the tea in summer from fresh leaves. Although
the taste is not as strong as the smell, it is pleasant, refreshing and
soothing. A tea which makes you sit down while you drink it out in the fresh
air, noticing everything around you. I also recommend it, along with chamomile,
for those who can’t sleep. It’s second on my list of “Sleep herbs.”
Lemon balm is specific for the herpes virus so can be used
to treat shingles. When I was training to be a counsellor, one of my elderly
clients developed shingles. Since she was too distraught with the pain to
benefit from a counselling session, I gave her some healing and at the next
session brought her some lemon balm and St John’s wort oil. I told her make a
pot of tea three times a day and to drink half of it and use the other half to
soak a flannel with before she tied it around her head covering the red
shingles inflammation. She loathed the tea but drank it and used it on her
forehead religiously. Her pain was soon gone and she was left without a mark on
her skin.
The first time I ever made cough syrup, I added a large
amount of lemon balm to the mix of herbs to hide the flavour of some of the
less palatable herbs. This was the same time my teenage daughter was having
extreme problems at school. We discovered that if she took some cough mixture
with her and made it into a warm drink, it helped her with panic attacks and
enabled her to stay at school.
I use Non Shaw and Chris Hedley’s method of syrup making –
choosing my herb mix then decocting a strong tea for 20minutes. I then strain
and measure the liquid then reduce by 7/8ths. I add sugar or honey in the ratio
of 1UK pint to 1 lb sugar or honey. If I
were making a teenage anxiety syrup again I’d probably use equal parts of lemon
balm and hyssop since I’m sure those were the two active ingredients for my
I make lemon balm tincture from fresh leaves. It’s one of
the herbs I add to my stress or bereavement medicines when people need soothing
or are in the throes of adrenal meltdown or need holding for a while so they
can process their grief.
When I was working in the NHS and was fairly new to herbs, I
had a client in his eighties who had lost his wife to a useless GP after caring
for her devotedly for ten years or more. He was called to give evidence at the
GP’s complaint hearing. I had begged the Primary Care Trust to be careful of
the date of the hearing but of course they paid no attention and the hearing
was held on her birthday. My client was an old sailor and liked his tot of rum
or brandy. I knew the hearing was going to be very difficult for him so I made
him some lemon balm brandy and gave it to him while we waited. He said he would
have preferred rum but I knew he and his family appreciated the gesture.
Melissa Liqueur (Christina Stapley)
1 75cl bottle of vodka
1/2 cup of lemon balm leaves
1 teaspoon of cloves
1 tsp coriander seeds
1/2 tsp carraway seeds
2 tsps grated lemon rind
3 tsps marjoram leaves
Wash and chop the herb leaves, adding the spirit with the pounded
seeds and cloves and grated lemon rind. The cloves should be measured whole,
but ground before adding. Leave to steep in a tightly closed jar in a warm dark
place, swirling daily for 6-7 weeks. Filter and sweeten to taste with
approximately 1/2-1 cup of sugar before labelling in the original bottle and
maturing for at least a year.
Christina call this “a soothing liqueur for troubled spirits.” I’ve
made it many times as it produces the smoothest liqueur I know. I didn't have
any lemons the first time, so I used orange peel. I also reduced the amount of
cloves because someone said it tasted like something you'd use for tooth ache!
As lemon balm is a very aromatic plant with lots of volatile
oils, it makes a wonderful infused honey.
Sean Donoghue once described using diluted lemon balm elixir
as a rehydration mix for overheated festival goers who had drunk too much the
night before and spent too much time in their sunlit tents the next morning. I
immediately made some. It tastes wonderful and can be used as a nervine, but I
haven’t had a chance to try it out for the purpose it was intended.
Lemon balm is always a large component of my “Uplifting
elixir” when I wander around my garden on a summer evening and collect all the flowers
and leafy parts which can be considered nervines or generally uplifting. They
make a delightful elixir to sip in very small quantities when you need to
lighten or brighten your mood.
Scent bags
If you have a surfeit of lemon balm and wish to make a
soothing scent bag, dry lemon balm and marjoram and mix them together with some
orris root so the scent is fixed before decanting into cloth bags. These can
then be hung on door handles or taken with you to sniff during the day.
Lemon balm as a “strengthening
One of the properties of lemon balm talked about by
herbalists but which hasn’t really made it into books yet is the way it affects
other herbs. Using it alongside another herb subtly changes and strengthens the
mixture in a way which is not yet fully understood.
David Winston was perhaps the first herbalist I noticed who
mentioned this when he talked about using lemon balm with St John’s wort to
treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). I’ve made an effective syrup using the
two herbs which people have found helpful but you could also take it as a tea
or a combined tincture. (I would not use lemon balm leaves or tincture with SJW
standardised extract tablets.)
I once had a student who was taking motherwort for
pre-menapausal symptoms. She couldn’t tolerate the motherwort as a tea until
she added lemon balm to it, then she said it tasted fine and she found it
really helpful.
Herbalists sometimes talk about “the herb they throw into a
mixture” for a client on gut instinct, not knowing exactly why they do it but
knowing it needs to be there. I think lemon balm is one of those herbs. You think
you’re adding it just for the taste but the reality may be some unknown herbal
magic to meet a need.
McIntyre, A The Complete Herbal Tutor 2010 Gaia Books Ltd ISBN 9781856753180
Stapley, C Herbcraft
Naturally 1994 Heartsease Books ISBN 0 9522336 1 4
Winston, D Differential Treatment of Depression and Anxiety With Botanical Medicines 2006
Excellent post ^_^ I am a huge fan of lemon balm, thanks for the info
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous post! What a fabulous blog! I love lemon balm. I keep it in a container on concrete. It actually shares its container with an oregano plant...I think with those two being such aggressive spreaders they behave very well in the same container...fighting each other!
ReplyDeleteI have lemon balm by the truckload and thought I was pretty adept at using it. Thanks for some ideas I haven't had myself. The syrup in particular is calling me!
ReplyDeleteHi Sarah, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris
ReplyDeleteI am wondering if the Lime Balm same botanical name has the same healing properties as the Lemon variety? We have both, but I have just introduced the Lime variety to the garden.
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful ideas! I want to grow more herbs straight away!
ReplyDeletemedicinal plants
ReplyDeletei know natural herbs such as Ginger, curcuma, can be planted in pots about the plants?
I have a lemon balm tincture in process, but am unclear how to use the tincture. What is it to be mixed with, or is it used topically rather than taking it orally? If I use to to make an elixir, how should the elixir be used??
ReplyDeleteGram K, it's difficult to answer your question without knowing what alcohol you have used to make your lemon balm tincture with. As I am in the UK, I generally use vodka for tinctures and brandy for elixirs. Tinctures are generally taken orally. If you are using vodka with fresh plant material macerated for three weeks, the UK dosage is 1tsp three times a day in a little water. I use a shot glass with 1tsp filled to the top with water. If you cannot use alcohol internally, then you could apply the tincture to a pulse point and rub in. I would use external application for spine and joint issues but wouldn't be using lemon balm, but something like bugle or solomon seal (which is tinctured in 60% rum). You don't use a tincture to make an elixir. That is made by adding equal parts of honey and brandy at the same time to the plant material and macerate for 4-6 weeks.