Tuesday, 25 March 2025

The Enduring Pledge launches on 5th April 2025


When William Brazington, Earl of Haverliegh, is granted lands associated with Roelswick Priory after the Restoration of the Monarchy in 1660, his family agrees a hidden contract with local communities. This relationship threatens to collapse at the beginning of the twentieth century following the disappearance of the Blacksmith’s sister, heralding danger for all young women working at the Priory. Can village folk come together to save the girls and their heritage?

Half a century later, strong leaders are needed to resolve strange Priory hauntings before they can rescue Peter, the last of the Brazington heirs, from war-torn oblivion.

The Enduring Pledge is the second book in the Roelswick Chronicles. Set deep in the heart of the Cotswolds, it charts the story of a rural village where modern and ancient practices work side by side.

Where past beliefs inform present customs, touching the lives of all villagers, we understand how a single pledge binds everyone together for support and responsibility.

For everyone who read A Necessary Blessing, this second book tells the story of how Anvil and Granny rose to their positions within the village. There are more ghosts, more mystery and another love story.

The paperback and Kindle will be available from Amazon from April 4th with a book launch in Solihull on April 5th.